Introduction to Theatre
Week 1: This week in intro. to theatre we learned about Theatre, 7 rules of improv., Stage directions, actors shorthand, and blocking. We will dive deeper into these concepts as we continue on in the semester.
January 29th - February 1st, 2024
Week 2: This week in intro. to theatre we learned about Pantomime and Voice. We also continued work on improvisation and the importance of focus when acting.
February 5th - 8th, 2024
February 12th - 15th, 2024
Week 3: This week we learned about script/character analysis and the importance of knowing what is in the story we’re telling. Student’s in section 1 learned about the basics of stage combat. Both sections received monologues to begin analyzing and memorizing.
February 12th - 15th, 2024
Week 4: We had a break on Monday for President’s Day. On Thursday we reviewed our stage combat rules, and movements. We focused on reactions, body movements and telling stories through our movement.